MAAIF Commissioner - Crop Production

Name: Mr. Alex Lwakuba

Designation: Commissioner-Crop Production

Professional Profile:

Mr. Lwakuba is a Crop Production expert with a strong background in Agricultural Sciences and agro-forestry.

Prior to taking charge of the Crop Production Department on 28th September 2018, Mr. Lwakuba served as:

Assistant Commissioner for Crop Production (2009 to 2018)

Principal Agricultural Officer, in-charge of the Farm Planning Unit (2004 to 2009)

Acting Head Soil Fertility Management (SFM) sub-component of the Farm Income Enhancement and Forest Conservation (FIEFOC) project Agric. Enterprise Development component funded by the African Development Bank (2008 to 2009)

Officer–in-charge, Farm Planning activities under SFM sub-component of the FIEFOC project (2005 to Sept 2009)

Uganda focal person for Farmer/Community Innovation approach (2001-2008)

Senior Agricultural Officer in charge of Soil Fertility and Agro-forestry, MAAIF/Entebbe Headquarters (1999 to 2005)



  1. The Seed Sector of Uganda. Is the future of Small scale Farmers Blick or Bright. Study conducted for PELUM Uganda Chapter. Cite: Lwakuba A. (2012)
  2. A review of policies and legislation relevant to conservation and sustainable management of below-ground biodiversity in Uganda. In: Ecology and Management of Soil Biodiversity in Mabira Forest, Uganda. An Inventory. CSM-BGBD Report Number 09-02. Cite: Lwakuba A. M.C. Rwakaikara Silver, B. Adimaola and J.B. Kalule Sewali. (2010).
  3. A Review and Analysis of Agricultural Related Policies that support Sustainable Agriculture. Cite: PELUM, Uganda. Lwakuba A; M. Magunda and Stella Lutalo. (2010).
  4. Agro-forestry hand book for the Montane Zone of Uganda. RELMA, Nairobi. Cite: Lwakuba A., Kaudia . A, Okorio.J. (2002).
  5. Agro-forestry handbook for Banana /Coffee zone of Uganda. Farmers experiences and practices . RELMA, Nairobi. Cite: Oluka. A. I, Esegu.F.O, Lwakuba. A. with Kaudia.A. (2000).
  6. Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products: A Case of Marketing Handicrafts in Mpigi District (Draft) MSc Thesis, Makerere University, Kampala. Cite: Lwakuba Alex (1997)
  7. Assessment of the Soil Fertility status of Kibimba Rice Company after many years of continuous cultivation (Draft) Special Project Report for Degree Award. Makerere University, Kampala. Cite: Lwakuba Alex (1990)
  8. Farm Management Case study on Mr. Kalikwani’s Farm (Draft). Buwenda Village, Jinja. Requirements for Degree Award, Makerere University, Kampala. Cite: Lwakuba Alex (1990)
  9. A Participatory Rural Appraisal of Bubale sub-county Kabale District. CDCS-Amsterdam. Cite: Miiro H. D., Lwakuba A. and Mbabazi E. (1998)
  10. A Participatory Rural Appraisal of Kamwezi sub-county Kabale District. ODA/Silsoe Research Institute U.K. Cite: Miiro H. D, Kaban Kabananukye, Lwakuba A., Tumuhairwe J. and Critchley W (1995).