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Uganda-China South-South Cooperation Phase 2 – Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

Uganda-China South-South Cooperation Phase 2

Uganda-China south-south Cooperation


The Government of the Republic of Uganda and the Government of the People’s Republic of China have had a cordial relationship for a long time. China has made significant contributions to Uganda’s Agricultural sector development including provision of project aid to Uganda in form of interest-free loans and grants. Notable ones include the Kibimba and Doho rice schemes, Wakawaka Fish landing site, Kajjansi Aquaculture Training Centre, Hydropower Stations and Road Construction. Trade has included leather, coffee, fish and food products among others.

The Government of the Republic of Uganda signed a Tripartite Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the Government of the Peoples Republic of China on 8th December 2011. The project entitled “Technical Assistance Under the South-South Cooperation (SSC) with the People’s Republic of China in Support of the Development Strategy and Investment Plan 2010/11-2015/16 in the Republic of Uganda”: started officially in October 2012 and ended in October 2014.

The main objectives were capacity-building, technology transfer, and promotion of trade and investment. The Chinese experts were fielded in Uganda and successfully carried out technology demonstration in various locations.

The project achieved good results that include improved production of Apples, Hybrid rice, Foxtail millet, Mushrooms, Livestock feeds, and Fish farming. Uganda also hosted 2 Chinese Agricultural Trade Delegations from Sichuan Province and executed 2 capacity building tours to China.

In order to up-scale the Chinese agricultural technologies and to consolidate the achievements attained in the first phase, the project has been extended for Phase 2 covering 2 years.

This project intends to promote the technologies in the 5 key areas of Horticulture, Cereals, Livestock, Fish and Cross-cutting issues. This will be achieved through 5 technology hubs throughout the country.


“Improving the Livelihoods of the people in Uganda through increased agricultural production and productivity.”


  1. To increase production and productivity in Horticulture, Cereals, Aquaculture, Livestock and relevant Cross-cutting issues such as agribusiness, value addition, renewable energy and agro-machinery
  2. To build the capacity of technical agricultural staff and farmers to adopt and promote the improved Chinese technologies.
  3. To consolidate and promote trade and investment linkages established in SSC phase 1.

Expected outputs

The expected outputs for Uganda and Chinese contribution are shown in table 1

Table 1: Expected outputs

No Partner Outputs
1 Government of Uganda(GOU) 1. At least 5 functional agricultural technology hubs in areas of Horticulture, Cereals, Aquaculture, Livestock and cross cutting issue established
2. At least 25 Demonstration sites for hands-on training of staff and farmers to promote the Chinese technologies in areas of Horticulture, Cereals, Aquaculture, Livestock and cross cutting issue.
3. At least 100 agro-machines in areas of production and value addition provided
4. At least 100 biogas and irrigation units established
2 People’s Republic of China (PRC) 1. At least 5 functional agricultural technology hubs in areas of Horticulture, Cereals, Aquaculture, Livestock and cross cutting issue established
2. At least some of the improved technologies including rice, foxtail millet, maize, table grapes, big ear goats imported from China.
3. At least 100 agro-machines in areas of production and value addition provided
4. At least 100 biogas and irrigation units established
5. Capacity of at least 100 technical staff locally built in Uganda and at least 30 agricultural and other staff built in benchmarking trips in China.
6. At least 2 trade and investment in agricultural industrial park established.

Performance indicators

Baseline and end of project survey carried out and reports produced.

  1. Five functional agricultural technology hubs established.
  • Demonstrational training of farmers in horticulture, cereals, livestock, aquaculture and cross cutting issues.
  1. Numbers of farmers engaged in Chinese technologies in horticulture, cereals, livestock, aquaculture and cross cutting issues.
  2. Improved rice, foxtail millet, maize, table grapes goats imported from China.
  3. Number of participants locally trained and those in capacity building trips to China.

Technical Description of the Project

At least 5 functional agricultural technology hubs in areas of Horticulture, Cereals, Aquaculture, Livestock and cross cutting issue established.

The project targets to establish technology demonstration sites to train at least 4,000 farmers to adopt Chinese technologies in the areas of horticulture, cereals, livestock and aquaculture

a) Horticulture

Farmers in districts with cool climate will be trained in improved technologies of apple and pear nursery/orchard establishment and management. Citrus and mango farmers in other parts of the country will also undergo similar trainings.

Greenhouse production and marketing of major vegetables including mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers, hot and sweet pepper will be carried out in selected districts.

b) Cereals

The project will promote production, processing and marketing of Chinese hybrid rice, hybrid maize, and hybrid and open pollinated foxtail millet. This will be carried out in traditionally cereal producing districts especially in eastern and western parts of the country as well as in new districts such as those in greater Masaka.

c) Livestock

The main livestock technologies will focus on feed processing to ensure adequate feeds during dry periods. Local feed processing technologies such as ammonification and feed mixing will be promoted.

Wooden cage poultry technologies will be perfected and promoted for adoption especially in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Entebbe, Masaka, Mbarara, Jinja, Mbale etc. Local poultry feed processing technologies will be promoted to ensure adequate feed availability and reduction in competition between livestock and humans for the same food.

d) Aquaculture

Fish farming will be encouraged in districts of central Uganda where there is enough and permanent sources of water and urban markets. The already established aquaculture training centre at Kajjansi will be utilized in fish pond farming.

On some NAGRC&DB farms at Kasolwe and Ruhengere in Kamuli and Kiruhura respectively, there are water bodies in form of dams and valley tanks where we can undertake cage fish farming and demonstrate to the surrounding community the technology. River Nile runs along Lusenke Farm in Kayunga district and commercial cage fish farming can also be done there. At Rubona in Kabarole district, ponds can be established and fish reared there as well. In short there are abundant opportunities on NAGRC Farms for rearing of fish artificially.

Rice-fish culture that has been so far established in Amurai district will be demonstrated further in other parts of the country like Butaleja where there is rice growing at Doho Rice scheme.

The technologies of producing fish feeds locally will be enhanced in this project to reduce on the cost and transportation expenses.

At least 25 Demonstration sites for hands-on training of staff and farmers to promote the Chinese technologies in areas of Horticulture, Cereals, Aquaculture, Livestock and cross cutting issue.

Materials will be procured to establish demonstration sites to hands-on training of staff and farmers. At least 5 demonstration sites for each of horticulture, cereals, aquaculture, livestock and cross cutting issue will be established.

At least 200 agro-machines in areas of production and value addition provided

The project will promotion the use of agro-machinery in production and value addition for improved mechanization, product diversification and marketing.

At least 200 biogas and irrigation units established

Biogas technologies that provide energy and form integral production packages especially in the growing of vegetables will be promoted. At least 100 biogas units will be constructed for farmers under cost-sharing arrangements.

At least some of the improved technologies including rice, foxtail millet, maize, table grapes, big ear goats imported from China.

The project will promote the use of hybrid technologies. To reduce on continued importation of seed and stocking materials, the project will follow-up on the already established plans to import the parents of hybrid rice, foxtail millet, maize, table grapes, and big ear goats imported from China. The technologies will be tested for adaptability to Ugandan conditions and disseminated.

Capacity of at least 100 technical staff locally built in Uganda and at least 30 agricultural and other staff built in bench-marking trips in China.

Capacity of at least 100 technical staff will be built through local trainings in Uganda. The project will also facilitate at least 30 staff to benchmark agricultural technologies in China.

At least 2 trade and investment in agricultural industrial park established.

The project will support the already established trade and investment linkages between the Sichuan Province of China and Uganda. The establishment of Agro-industrial Park by Chinese companies and twining Yibin City and districts in Greater Masaka will be integrated and promoted under this project. The project will encourage trade and investment from other Chinese provinces and cities.

7. Achievement for the previous financial year.

South-South Cooperation did not have counter funding in previous years. However, the project was able to achieve the following:

  1. Apple production improved in Kabale district.
  2. Fruit tree farming technologies such as high density and pruning on Citrus and Mango demonstrated in Lira and ABIZARDI in Arua districts.
  3. Mushroom cultivation carried out at MBAZARDI in Mbarara district.
  4. Vegetable production including greenhouse technology in Kapeeka, Nakaseke district.
  5. Foxtail millet production demonstrated at MUZARDI in Mukono, Budaka, Amuria, Lira and Masindi districts.
  6. Hybrid rice and maize production demonstrated at Lukaya in Kalungu, Budaka and Amuria districts.
  7. Wooden cage poultry farming carried out at National Genetic Resource Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC & DB) in Entebbe, Wakiso district, and Aggreph farm in Masaka district.
  8. Livestock feed production by ammonification done at NAGRC & DB in Entebbe, Wakiso district.
  9. Fish feed formulations and production in Budaka district.
  10. Fish farming including Rice-Fish culture demonstrated in Budaka and Amuria districts.
  11. Fish fertilization rate increased from 36% to 81% and 7 fish farms improved and Cat fish fingerings survival rate improved from 0.8% to 1.92% in Busia district.
  12. Rain water harvesting demonstrated at Maganjo, Wakiso district.
  13. In-door grain storage containers fabricated and demonstrated in Masindi district.
  14. Biogas technology demonstrated in Masaka and Masindi districts
  15. The first delegation went on a capacity building tour to China from August 20th – September 3rd, 2013 and the second one from 14th -22nd
  16. MAAIF hosted two trade delegation from Sichuan province of China (23rd -28th September 2013) comprised of 9 companies and 3 government officials where letters and minutes of intent were signed and second one form 20th-23rd August 2014.
  17. SSC imported hybrid seeds of Foxtail millet, Rice and Maize totalling to 1,705 kg form Zoeve Seed Company in Sichuan Province.
  18. Zoeve Seed Company from Sichuan Province made two follow-up trips to Uganda in January and August 2014 to concretize investment plans.

SSC phase 2 is intended to consolidate the above achievements and upscaling to cause a significant social and economic impact.

Project Scope

The project will cover the whole country with 1 national and 4 regional technology hubs based on the performance during phase 1 and importance of the commodities in the regions (Table 2). The staff at the technology hubs will be equipped with sufficient capacity to provide services to all the parts of the country.

Table 2: Location of the Agricultural Technology Hubs

No Agricultural Areas Major items Region District
1 Horticulture Apples, vegetables Western Kabale
2 Cereals Rice, Foxtail millet, Maize Eastern Budaka
3 Livestock Cattle, Goats, Pigs, Sheep and poultry Western Mbarara
4 Aquaculture Fish North-Eatern Amuria
5 Cross-cutting technologies Agri-business, value addition, Biogas, Agro-machinery Central Wakiso (Entebbe)

The Role of Government of the People’s Republic of China

China will provide the main project funds through the already established tripartite arrangement that includes Uganda Government and FAO. China will provide 5 Experts and 10 Technicians in the 5 identified agricultural areas of promotion.

The Role of the Government of the Republic of Uganda.

Uganda will be responsible to execute the project based on agreed principles. The Uganda Government will provide counterpart manpower and funding to a level of at least 30% of the Chinese contribution. Uganda’s contribution will be used mainly for capacity building of technical staff and farmers to acquire Chinese knowledge and skills. Funds will be spent on allowances, services, per diem, honoraria, training costs, air tickets, fuel, demonstration materials (seed, agro-machinery, feeds, fertilizers, pesticides, sand, gravel, cement, wood) and overhead costs (communication, equipment, stationery, computer accessories, vehicle repair/maintenance). The project will link the technology development hubs with the local government extension systems and farmers. MAAIF will lead the implementation of the project.

The Role of the FAO

FAO will be responsible for recruitment of Chinese experts and technicians, accessing and disbursing project funds from China, and coordinating and supervising project activities.

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The Goat Export Project

Project Objectives

“To enhance the contribution of the goat industry to farmers’ income and welfare.”

Specific objectives

Avail improved indigenous and exotic (Savannah) goat germplasm to farmers in the project area which will serve as a springboard for establishing a pilot goat export zone in the country

To establish open nucleus breeding herds coupled with systematic cross breeding programme for generating meat goat types for fattening and

Improve the goat management systems and create sustainable supplies of quality goats for internal and export markets.


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