Motorcycles and Vehicles Tender Dosier for Developing a Market Oriented and Environmentally Sustainable Beef Meat Industry Project in Uganda (MOBIP)
Motorcycles and Vehicles Tender Dosier for Developing a Market Oriented and Environmentally Sustainable Beef Meat Industry Project in Uganda (MOBIP)
c2_contractnotice_en Veh and MCs.MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4a_invit_en Veh and MCs MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4b_itt_en Veh and MCs MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4c_contract_en Veh and MCs MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4d_specialconditions_en Veh and MCs MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4e_annexigc_en Vehicle.MC MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en Veh and MCs.specification version 2
c4g_annexivfinoffer_en Veh and MCs.MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4h_perfguarantee_en VFeh and MCs MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4j_admingrid_en Veh and MCs MOBIP.SUP.20.21
c4k_evalgrid_en Veh and MCs.MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4l_tenderform_en Veh and MCs.MOBIP.SUP.20.01
c4m_taxcustomsarrangements_en Veh and MCs.MOBIP.SUP.20.01