Directorate of Animal Resources

Objective of the Directorate

"To support sustainable animal disease and vector control, market oriented animal production, food quality and safety; for improved food security and household income"

key functions and outputs

Key Functions

  • Provide technical guidance for formulation, review and implementation of policies, legislation, standards, plans and strategies in the areas of animal production, animal health, veterinary regulation, inspection and enforcement.
  • Coordinate the monitoring, inspection, evaluation and harmonization of national programs and projects in the sub sector.
  • Advocate and mobilize resources and assistance for the sub sector.
  • Provide technical guidance for human and institutional capacity enhancement for delivery of services in the sub sector.
  • Establish and promote collaborative mechanisms nationally, regionally and internationally on issues pertaining to the sub sector.
  • Provide guidance on the generation, dissemination and application of appropriate technologies and the provision of advisory services for the development of value chains in the sub sector.

Key Outputs

  • Technical guidance for formulation, review and implementation of policies, legislation, standards, plans and strategies in the areas of animal production, animal health and veterinary regulation and inspection and enforcement provided.
  • Monitoring, inspection, evaluation and harmonization of national programs and projects in the sub sector coordinated.
  • Resources and assistance for the sub sector advocated for and mobilized.
  • Technical guidance for human and institutional capacity enhancement for delivery of services in the sub sector provided.
  • National, regional and international collaborative mechanisms on issues pertaining to the sub sector established and promoted.
  • Guidance on the generation/dissemination and application of appropriate technologies and the provision of advisory services for the development of value chains in the sub sector provided.

Departments of the Directorate