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Fruits and Vegetables Export – Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

Export of Fruits & Vegetables

All intending exporters of Fruits and Vegetables are welcome to register with the Phytosanitary and Quarantine Inspection Services in the Department of Crop Inspection and Certification, that is the National Plant Protection Organisation in the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries.

  1. Register with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau
  2. Receive a recommendation for registration from The Commissioner External Trade, Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives.
  3. Undergo orientation, SPS export readiness (pre-assessment of your production (out growers/farms) and packhouse facilities) by the Apex Association (HortiFresh).
  4. Obtain a recommendation letter from Hortifresh to the Commissioner for Crop Inspection and Certification.
  5. Apply to the Commissioner for Crop Inspection and Certification, using the company letter head for approval and registration. Attach all required documentation as listed on the Ministry of Agriculture Website, including proof of membership in Hortifresh, Proof of audit of your packhouse and potential suppliers (Out-growers by Hortifresh),proof of SPS orientation by Hortifresh.
  6. Applicants for registration for export are required to prove ownership of a hired, rented, or shared pack house before the commencement of the MAAIF audit and registration.
  7. Applicants for registration for export are also required to show proof of either owned nucleus farm or and have contracted farmers.
  8. Other requirements include a TIN Number from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), REX numbers for EU Exporters
  9. Submit the documents to the Department of Crop Inspection and Certification for approval to be an exporter.

Also Important to Note: No company will be registered for purposes of exporting without a physical address and an approved producer traceability system; MAAIF may de-register/suspend any export company if found to be non-compliant; and may only re-register it after the company has put corrective measures in place. De-registration shall range for a period of 6 to 12 months Suspension shall range for a period of one to 24 weeks (6 months) The Non-compliance that can lead to de-registration includes; but not limited to possession and or use of fraudulent certificates, these include those:

  • not authorized by the NPPO
  • issued on forms not authorized by the issuing NPPO
  • issued by persons or organizations or other entities that are not authorized by NPPO
  • re-use of phytosanitary certificates in any form
  • those containing false or misleading information
  • Exporting prohibited articles
  • Concealing non inspected articles
  • Companies that are suspended and register themselves under another name or export under other exporters
  • Consecutive errant non-complying exporters

The Non-compliance that can lead to suspension includes; but not limited to

  1. Having been intercepted twice without appropriate corrective measures and being non communicative with the NPPO
  2. Without appropriate traceability system
  3. Registered Exporters who are found to be facilitating un-registered/non-compliant companies in anyway/form.
  4. Exporter found with non-compliant consignment(s) along the commodity chain and shall incur the cost of inspection, destruction and inspection of destruction.
  5. Hindering inspectors from performing their professional duties.

Preparing for the audit, What you need to know

Take your company through a pre-audit check using these templates to prepare for the audit. Relevant Link: https://www.agriculture.go.ug/plant-health-and-hygiene-audit-checklists/