National Development Plan (NDP2)

Contribution of Agriculture to GPD

Contribution of Agriculture to employment

Potential opportunities

What is our National Developmental plan?

The National Development Plan (NDPII) is the second in a series of six five-year Plans aimed at achieving the Uganda Vision 2040. The goal of this Plan is to propel the country towards middle income status by 2020 through strengthening the country’s competitiveness for sustainable wealth creation, employment and inclusive growth.

Agriculture remains the backbone of Uganda’s economy. In 2012/13, the sector accounted for 25.3 percent of the country’s GDP from 24.7 percent in 2010/11. It employs about 72 percent of the total labour force (formal and informal), 77 percent of whom are women, and 63 per cent are youth, mostly residing in the rural areas. Over the NDPI period, the sector registered sluggish growth from 1.0 percent in 2010/11, to 1.33 percent during 2013/14. Farming is still dominated by smallholder farmers engaged in food and cash crops, horticulture, fishing and livestock farming. The sector’s strength is leveraged through, among others, the National Agricultural Policy 2013 which sets a solid framework to guide investment and delivery of agricultural services.

The plan is both readable below and downloadable from the National Planning Authority repository here.

In figures

Agricultural contribution to GDP

2010/2011 about 24.7 of total GDP
2012/2013 about 25.3 of total GDP

Contribution to employment

Total employment of
to the labour force

Women employment in Agriculture

of the women in Uganda

Youth employment in Agriculture

of the youth in Uganda

The second National Development Plan (NDP2)