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Online Certification – Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

Guidelines and Online Certification

Crops Online certification

Apply for certification now

Fisheries Online certification

Apply for certificate now

About the online certification

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries prioritizes, among other functions Inspection, Certification and Regulation as core functions provided for by the laws of Uganda.

As a Ministry that recognizes the need for compliance to regional and international standards, the Ministry instituted a Department of Crop Inspection and Certification for the crop sub-sector as well as the Department of Animal Production and Enforcement Department in the Directorate of Fisheries Resources to handle validation, registration and certification of dealers in the respective commodities at the level of import and export.

For instance, in the crop sub-sector, the Seeds and Plant Act, 2006 was developed to provide for the promotion, regulation and control of plant breeding and variety release, multiplication, conditioning, marketing, importing and quality assurance of seeds and other planting materials and for other related matters.

After it was assented to on the 30th of January, 2006 the enforcement of the Act commenced on the 29th of June 2007, providing legal backing for the formulation of the National Seed Certification Service responsible for

  • design, establishment and enforcement of certification standards, methods and procedures and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing shall be responsible for
  • reviewing, adjusting, maintaining and enforcing seed standards
  • advising the Board of modifications to seed standards and providing the Board with information on any technical aspects affecting seed quality
  • providing training to persons responsible for the implementation of this Act
  • registration and licensing of all seed merchants, seed conditioners and seed dealers
  • receiving and testing of all new varieties intended for release and multiplication, assisted by the Technical Committee according to the recognised standard procedure
  • carrying out distinctness, uniformity and stability tests for candidate varieties
  • establishing standards for variety performance trials and distinctness, uniformity and stability trials
  • monitoring the activities of the formal and informal seed sectors
  • accreditation and licensing, field inspection, seed sampling and laboratory seed testing

(j) carrying out field inspection, testing, labelling, sealing and eventual certification

(k) reviewing the history and performance records of selected varieties

  • determining the contribution of varieties for agricultural development

(m) making recommendations for degazetting of obsolete varieties and

(n) determining the varieties to be fully released, partially released (restricted release), referred, or rejected.

Similar Acts that were passed by the Parliament of Uganda and assented to by the Head of State provided the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries with similar structures for livestock and Fisheries which are handled by the Directorate of Animal Resources and the Directorate of Fisheries Resources respectively.

Why seek certification by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries?

Certification by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries is the primary requirement for agricultural commodities, whether crops, livestock or fisheries to be cleared for transportation out of the country and to be received in international markets.

Where and how to get certification for agricultural products in Uganda?

For persons and companies investing in export and import, the above process is handled by the Phytosanitary and Quarantine Inspection Services Division (PQIS) in the Department of Crop Inspection and Certification.


SECTION 1: Exporters of fresh agricultural produce

All applicants shall submit their application to the Commissioner, Department of Crop Inspection and Certification (DCIC), Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), in writing. The applicant shall request for a MAAIF export registration number, inspection of his pack house, out growers or his farm. The application shall be submitted to the office of the Secretary to the Commissioner, in Namalere Offices. The application shall be written on company headed paper, with a working telephone number, an email, full post box and physical location, attached to the following below;

  1. Export Promotion Board Certificate
  2. Company Registration Certificate
  3. URA TIN,
  4. Copies of identification documents (National Identification/ Passport) of the Director(s)
  5. Signed contract (M.O.U) with the grower(s) (if any)
  6. Signed contract when sourcing from authorized exporter
  7. Signed agreement if you are packing from an authorized pack house other than yours
  8. Details of the physical location of farms, crops under production, acreage and market destination
  9. Copy of your label for your consignments (Company name, Full address and Signage- Produce of Uganda, Code marks)

Upon receipt of the application, a system audit shall be conducted within 10 working days

SECTION 2: Audit scope for production places (farms)

For growers, the audit will entail;

  1. Demonstration of understanding and documentary evidence of the market requirement by the auditee
  2. Audit of the documented policies for;
    1. Calibration of spray equipment and sprayers
    2. Traceability
  • Farmer recruitment
  1. Internal audit addressing non conformities
  2. Pest management
  3. Safety and hygiene of produce handlers
  • Waste disposal

Verification of practices the documented policies and procedures which will cover contracted growers own farms and suppliers

  1. Schedule of planting, weeding, fertilizer or soil amendments applications and actual data obtained, scouting and actual data obtained, spray calibration and actual data obtained, spray operations, cleaning of crates, Plant protection equipment,
  2. Pest management systems
  3. Approved Plant Protection products
  4. Quality control management system including traceability system
  5. Competency of technical assistant on the ground with minimum of tertiary education on Horticulture/Agriculture or any related field
  6. Trained sprayers
  7. Calibrated spray equipment
  8. Storage facilities
  9. Plant Protection product stores for farmers/group/suppliers and relevant records
  10. Plant Protection equipment and stores and relevant records kept
  11. Fertilizers or seed storage or relevant records kept
  12. Waste disposal mechanism that guarantee food, environment and human safety
  13. Compliance of produce handling, packing and transport facilities.

SECTION 3: Audit scope for dealers of fresh produce pack houses, transport systems and exporters of dried / processed produce

  1. Demonstration of understanding and documentary evidence of market requirements by the auditee
  2. Audit of documented policies procedures and practices
  • Quality control and management system (including traceability)
  • Good handling practices
  • Labelling and packaging
  • Sanitation and general house keeping
  • Worker Health and Hygiene
  • Pest control program
  • Transportation systems for exports
  1. Audit to be conducted as arranged by exporters and competent authority office (phytosanitary services)
  2. Dealers should demonstrate willingness to and regularly as required, submit samples for produce to MAAIF DCIC or Government Chemist for pest residue analysis.
  3. If successful with the whole audit procedure, exporters shall undergo electronic registration and certification via the MAAIF Portal.

SECTION 4. Electronic Registration and Certification for both Agricultural Imports and Exports

ALL exporters and importers shall undergo electronic registration and certification of their consignments via the MAAIF Portal.

This will be done as follows

How to Register on the MAAIF MIS

Open your browser window Firefox

2. In your address bar type crop.agriculture.go.ug

3. On the Login Form, click New User to access the registration form (shown below)

4. On the Registration form, chose either Individual or Company

5. Fill in the details and click Submit

6. Check your Mail for the message confirming that your Account has been created. E.g. Message below;

7. Click on the Set a password button

8. It will take you back to the home page, where you will set your password

9. If successful, then you will get access to the System, using your email as the username and the password.

10. Note: The password should be more than 6 characters and should contain a letter, a digit and a character.

11. Importers and exporters shall be able to view progress of issuance of the requested phytosanitary certificate or import permit respectively, which shall be issued upon submission of complete accurate applications of complying consignments as per the export and import conditions respectively.

Agribusiness dealers interested in getting certification for export and or importation of agricultural products can visit the physical address of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries indicated on this website.

The certification portals are also open online using the links below.


Crops Online certification

Get a crops certification now

Fisheries Online certification

Get a fisheries certification now